I Think We Need An Ark

One of the weather guys on TV made mention of needing an ark for the rain that was to come. The weather people down here are notorious for not predicting the right thing. This time though he turned out to be right. Our street has over a foot of water in it right now. That's not to bad considering there are some parts of the county in waist deep water or worse. In the eight years that we have lived here our street has never flooded at all. Our rain gage broke so I'm not sure how much rain has fallen at our house but I think it is probably in the 10 to 12 inch range by now. Some areas have gotten twice that amount. The Melbourne Airport was closed because there were fish washing up on the runways. Jen found a picture on one of the news sites of a catfish swimming along the street gutter.

It has rained almost steadily for the past three days. Sometimes it slows just enough so that we can let the dogs out to pee but it never lasts that long. Right now it is pouring and I think an ark might not be a bad idea. I think it would work, all of our animals are two by two after all.

Here are some pictures from around the house.
