A Long Summer

It has been a long summer. I took two classes this summer, Speech and Trigonometry. The trig class was online. I had Speech class two nights a week from 6pm until 8:40. The entire rest of the week was devoted to math. It seemed that all I ever did was math. It didn't help that it was summer term which is several weeks shorter that a regular term. I got an 'A' in Speech of course although I'm sure that it could have been much more fun than it was. Our teacher wasn't very good. There was almost a revolt toward the end of the term but we lost our nerve. It's probably for the best. I managed to squeak out a 'C' in trig. That's all I was shooting for. I needed at least a 'C' in order to get reimbursed from the company. That was also the last math class I should have to take. There is only one more class I have to take to complete my Associates degree. I still need a physical science so I chose astronomy. It was going to be Chemistry but I figured why beat myself up when the harder class won't help me obtain my eventual BS degree. That degree will now be a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Project Management. I can hardly wait until I can start on the real classes.
