I'm Alive, I'm Alive

      OK, here we go again. Got out of the habit of writing and lost motivation for a while. Recently I've been really busy with school and work. Going to school and working full time eats up most of my days. Seems I'm always worrying about the next assignment and don't seem to do much else but study or put off studying. I've been thinking about this for a while though and I think I need to try a little harder to post at least occasionally. 
      As you can see by the new addition to the side bar I have been doing some posting on Twitter. It has sort of got me back into everything. There are so many interesting people on there to meet if you just give it some time. A lot of my followers, and those that I follow, are 'space' related. There are more people out there that are interested in the space industry than I thought. It's not just space related though. There is an ever expanding universe of things related to Twitter. It takes a little effort to weed through everything but the rewards are worth it. If you are reading this and want to get some inside info into the space program follow me @apacheman.
     I'm currently taking two classes: Principals of Management and Macroeconomics. Right now I'm in week seven of the 8 week classes. They have had their rough spots, but overall they haven't been to bad and I really am learning something. These are my third and forth classes for my BSBA/Project Management degree. Only 14 more to go. 
     The dogs and birds and tortoises are all doing well. Our eventual new house has footers now but nothing else. We have to find more money somewhere to continue. We have some options so we aren't licked yet. Work is going okay, we keep losing people and just have to make due with less, but we are getting by. Atlantis will land in a few days from the final Hubble servicing mission. I'm glad it is done, having a vehicle on both pads is really hard since we barely have people to cover everything on two pads. That should catch everything up now so I can start doing normal posts from now on. What ever a 'normal' post is. Keep checking back, there will definitely be more coming.
