Land and Water

     I stopped by our property on the way home from work today. We have had so much rain I wanted to see just how much of it was under water. The answer: most. The driveway was soft and squishy and was starting to wash out in spots. Our new footers were almost totally under water. Luckily they have been there for a few weeks so I don't think it will hurt them. I took some pictures with my phone so I could show Jen the state of things. 


We are thinking of going back to the first mortgage lender that we were working with over a year ago. We didn't have any problems with him, but none of the banks that he works with would lend any money at the time. We tried the credit union and were moving along when the appraisals come back so poor.
     The plan was to pay for everything in stages with the money we had saved. That plan was working, but we might have to move a little quicker so that all of our dirt doesn't wash away in our Florida downpours. 
